ASAP is one of the only add-ins available starting with Excel version 2000 and works with every version on PC up to Excel 2019. MonteCarlito - Free l As the name suggests, MonteCarlito is designed to run Monte-Carlo simulations in Excel, as well as other statistical analysis to compute mean, median, standard error, variance, skewness. This is one of those things that you only find out by accident - there is very little on Google about this. If you rename any Excel file to.ZIP instead of.XLSX or XLSM then you can open it using your favourite zip program. The excel file is divided into folders and differnt XML files.
In the User's Guide, select the Index tab and start typing Excel. The option Excel add-ins, installing will show up in the list. Office 2000, 2003, and XP Now you should have a check box in the Add-Ins box for Transfer Data from AS/400. This workbook uses the FRED Excel add-in to download and analyze GDP and its components. To install and learn how to use the FRED add-in, please visit Prerequisite: basic understanding of GDP including definitions, Y = C + I + G + NX, complications, weaknesses, and how national income statistics are produced (for the USA, this is done by the Bureau of Economic Analysis). Click Insert Get Add-ins. In the Office Add-ins box, browse for the add-in you want, or search for an add-in by using the Search box. Click an add-in to read more about it, including a longer description and customer reviews, if available. Then, click Add, Try, or Buy for the add-in you want.
Excel Add-ins
Add-ins are special files that provide additional functionality. After downloading an add-in file, the Add-ins Manager must be used to install it. Add-ins files have extension .xla or .xlam (for Excel 2007 and newer).
Currently Available:
Installing Fred Add On In Excel 2016
Econ Chart Enhancer
Description and Installation
The Econ Chart Enhancer add-in has options for various tweaks to an existing chart, including adding shaded bars (for recessions), using a natural log scale, and fitting an exponential growth curve. While a knowledgeable Excel user could do these things on her own, this add-in saves a lot of tedious work.
The Econ Chart Enhancer add-in will be regularly updated here with new recession dates. The current version was last updated in June 2015.
Here is a short video on how to install it (after clicking above to download it):
If you have any trouble, visit the Help page.
Scenario Comparative Statics
Description and Use
The Scenario Comparative Statics add-in creates scenarios for user-specified values of an exogenous variable and the corresponding solutions, displaying the results in a new sheet. It works with sheets that have analytical, reduced-form solutions entered as formulas for endogenous variables or using Excel's Solver to find the solution for each given value of the exogenous variable.
If you do not know how to install an add-in, view the video above. Here is a short video on how to use the Scenario Comparative Statics add-in:
Here is the Excel workbook used in the screencast (without the scenarios): ScenCSVideo.xlsx.
FRED Excel Add-in
Installing Fred Add On In Excel Spreadsheet
This add-in is freely available and produced by the St. Louis Fed as a convenient interface for accessing Fed data directly from Excel. There are many tens of thousands (and growing) US and international time series from various sources (e.g., BEA, BLS, Census, and OECD). Download the add-in from here:
For printed documentation (including a quick start guide), see
FRED also has apps for phones and tablets. (Brilliant!)
Housing.xls is an Excel workbook that shows how to use the FRED add-in. The screencast (also included in the Excel workbook) is here: